Module 1.4 - Winter Semester 2022/23

Computer Science in Hydroinformatics

Lecture Notes

Course programming languages and techniques

Lecturer: Dr. Molkenthin
Mode: block
Time: see Google calendar
Description: software engineering:
basic steps in software engineering for hydroinfomatics software,
introduction to programming languages (VBA, FORTRAN, C++, Java, C# ...) and basic components,
introduction to basic software engineering and implementation tools (e.g. RStudio).
data structures and handling for statistical analysis
sequential programming for numerical algorithmn
object oriented programming for information management
implementation of hydroinformatics tools

Course GIS technology and interfaces

Lecturer: Dr. Molkenthin
Mode: block
Time: see Google calendar
Description: coordinate reference systems, raster and vector based data structures,
interfacing, import/export, data analysis, geo-spatial analysis,
OGC Web-GIS standards,
digital elevation models (raster, TIN),
remote sensing iamge analysis,
integration in hydroinformatics systems,
application examples from hydro-engineering projects