Numerical Simulation: River Modelling
Case Study River Rhine Section: Ruhrort - Mehrum - Wesel

Mike11 - Software

The river Rhine section can be modelled in 1D using the software Mike11, provided by DHI/DK. The software is a commercial product. It can run without licence in a DEMO mode with some limits to the number of modelling elements. This course is using the classroom license of Univ. Nice (EuroAquae students) and BTU (EuroAquae and ERM students) on the related server.

MIke11 - Supporting Material

HEC-RAS incudes several software reports and documentation, which are part of the installation on your computer. Please have also a look in the
- Mike 11: short introduction,
- Mike 11: user manual,
- Mike 11: reference manual and
- Mike View: user manual.

Mike11 - Introductional Tutorial

The course numerical simulation - river modelling requires basic knowlegde of at least one 1D river modelling tool (e.g. Mike11, HEC-RAS). As reminder for Mike11 you can use an introductional step-by-step tutorial to set-up and use of a simple model.

set-up and analysis of a simple channel model - HTML
  - steady flow conditions
  - gravity wave

Mike11 - Basic Model Components

The conversion of the provided cross section point data file to the Mike11 ASCII format to import in Mike11 has been done using the application. Three ASCII files are already generated:
- Mike11_Crossection_100.txt 100m distance (all cross sections)
- Mike11_Crossection_300.txt 300m distance
- Mike11_Crossection_500.txt 500m distance
You can use them in Mike11 using the import function in a crossection file File -> Import -> Import Raw Data The simulation, crossection (100m) and HD-parameter file for a basic model are prepared:
- Rhine_Simulation.sim11
- Rhine_Network.nwk11
- Rhine_Crossection.xns11
- Rhine_HDParameter.hd11