Numerical Simulation: River Modelling
Case Study River Rhine Section: Ruhrort - Mehrum - Wesel

HEC-RAS - Software

The river Rhine section can be modelled in 1D using the software HEC-RAS, provided by Hydrologic Engineering Center/US. The software is a free available product for Windows operation systems (64 bit). HEC-RAS can be downloaded from the server of the provider: (HEC-RAS). Please install the software using the setup programm. Change the region format settings of your Windows operation system to English(US) for the application of HEC-RAS.

HEC-RAS - Supporting Material

HEC-RAS incudes several software reports and documentation, which are part of the installation on your computer. Please have also a look in the
- HEC-RAS: applications guide,
- HEC-RAS: reference manual and
- HEC-RAS: users manual.

HEC-RAS - Introductional Tutorial

The course numerical simulation - river modelling requires basic knowlegde of at least one 1D river modelling tool (e.g. Mike11, HEC-RAS). As reminder for HEC-RAS you can use an introductional step-by-step tutorial to set-up and use of a simple model.

set-up and analysis of a simple channel model - HTML
  - steady flow conditions
  - gravity wave

HEC-RAS - Basic Model Components

The conversion of the provided cross section point data file to the HEC-RAS format has been done:
- RhineBaseModel.prj project file
- RhineBaseModel.g01 100m distance geometry